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Keep bugs away from your clothing, tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear with fabrics with Sawyer® Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing. This odorless repellent for clothing and other fabric products repels and kills ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers and mites. The active ingredient Permethrin is a contact insecticide which is non-toxic to humans. 24-oz. spray bottle for easy application. Single application bonds with the fabric to last up to 6 washings. Made in USA.
Developed in cooperation with the U.S. Military, government agencies, universities, and others; this Sawyer Clothing repellent offers superior protection from disease-carrying biting insects. The active ingredient, Permethrin, is a synthetic molecule similar to those found in natural pyrethrum which is taken from the chrysanthemum flower. Not only does this product repel insects, but it will actually kill ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers, mites and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Sawyer Permethrin insect repellents are for use with clothing, tents, and other gear. Permethrin is odorless when dry, and during the drying process, it tightly bonds with the fibers of the treated garment. It will not stain or damage clothing, fabrics, plastics, finished surfaces, or any of your outdoor gear.
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